Tuzla Dalsan Shipyard Port Dredging Group Marine Construction Transport Dumping Work Shipyard Services References Machine And Equipments

“Tuzlaport Shipyard Port Project”, which we acquired the transfer as well as the utilization right for 49 years under the contract executed on 19.07.2007 among our company, Shipping Undersecretary of Prime Ministry, and General Directorate of National Estate, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Turkey, was initiated in 2008, and currently almost % 85 of the project has been completed.

The Project includes shipyard parcels (areas). The operating permit has already been received for one of such parcels while the others have reached the stage of utilization.

We may assign or rent that 260.000 m2 and 1.750 m quay lenght shipyard areas completely or any independent section of this shipyard areas under the project exercising our right to transfer for 49 years.

Port Area : 1.200.000 m²
Useable Area : 350.000 m²
Quay Length : 2.950 m
Water Dept : -16 m